1. Defects in products and carpentry, including aluminum and plastic – two years.
2. Defects in interior flooring and cladding including sinking and subsidence – two years.
3. Failure in functioning and durability of machines and boilers – three years.
4. Failure in the development of the yard, including sinking including of pavement on the ground floor, in the parking areas, in the sidewalks and paths in the building compound – three years.
5. Failure in the thermal installation systems – three years
6. Failure in the pipelines, including water, heating systems and gutters, … and sewage – four years; in the case “failure” – including leakage;
7. Failure in the sealing of the structure, including underground spaces, in the walls, in the roofs and ceilings, including light roofs with sealing – four years;
8. Cracks measuring width 1.5 millimeters ……. – five years.
9. Disengagement, peeling or crumbling of exterior cladding – seven years;
10. Any other non-conformity that is not fundamental non-conformity – one year.
In this addendum –
“Failure” – Complete or partial failure in the function of the product or the system;
“Defect” – Defect in the function or durability of the product or the system, including non-conformity of stability, intactness, quality and appearance, of each component separately or overall.
Golda Meir
Prime Minister Zeev Sharf
Minister of Housing Efraim Katzir
President of the State
August 6, 2016
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