Chapter A: Purposes of the Law
- The purpose of this Law is to protect the public and the environment from the effects of non – ionizing radiation exposure and regulate the operations in sources of radiation the establishment operation thereof and provision of services for the measurement of the radiation, inter alia, by setting prohibitions and duties in accordance with the principle of preventative measures.
Chapter B: Definitions
- In this law:
“Permit” – erection permit, operating permit or permit to provide services.
“Operating permit” – permit to operate a source of radiation, as prescribed in clause 3.
“Erection permit” – permit to erect a radiation source, as prescribed in clause 3.
“Permit to provide services” – permit to provide radiation measurement services, as prescribed in clause 3..
“Commissioner” – the person who was authorized by the Minister for the matter of regulating this law, all or part thereof;
“Inspector” – (deleted)
“Source of Radiation” – instrument, facility or technological system which when operated creates or may create non-ionizing radiation, excluding radiation for medical use;
“Non-ionizing radiation”, “radiation” – emission of electromagnetic waves whose energy level is less than 5 electrons volts and which cannot cause ionization.
“Service for measuring radiation” – service for measuring non-ionizing radiation including an estimate of the levels of exposure to which people and the environment can anticipate radiation from the radiation source.
“Minister”- Minister of the Environment.
Chapter C: Permits
Permit 3. (a) A person shall not install a radiation source, shall not operate a radiation source and shall not provide a radiation measurement service, unless he possesses an installation permit, an operation permit or a service provision permit, accordingly, granted to him by the Supervisor according to the provisions of this law, and according to its conditions.
(b) Without derogating from the generality of the above in paragraph (A) above, the applicant for an operation permit is authorized to perform an experimental operation of the radiation source for a period not exceeding three months, prior to obtaining the permit, in order to perform measurements and tests requiring the operation of the radiation source, in accordance with the
instructions of the Supervisor, as specified in paragraph 7(A)(2), provided he possesses an installation permit, if so required according to the provisions of this law.
(c) The installation permit and the operation permit may be granted for a specific radiation source or for a specific type of radiation source.
Exemption 4. The provisions in paragraph 3 will not apply to the installation or the
operation of a radiation source as detailed in the addendum.
∗ Approved by the Knesset on December 20, 2005 the bill and the explanatory notes were published in the “Bills of the Government – 184”, on June 22, 2005, page 894. Please note that this is an unofficial translation of the law.
Validity of Permits 5. (a) The validity of the operation permit and the service provision
permit shall be for a period of five years; however the Minister is entitled to determine a different validity period in cases and circumstances that he determines, taking into account, inter alia, the type of radiation source, its location or the type of radiation measurment service, accordingly.
(b) The validity of the installation permit shall be for a period not exceeding three months, and the Supervisor may extend its validity for additional periods, provided that the total of all periods shall not exceed nine months; however the Minister is entitled to determine a longer validity period for certain types of radiation sources.
Conditions for granting 6. The Supervisor shall not grant an installation permit, unless it has been
an installation permit proved to his satisfaction that the following conditions are met:
(1) The permit applicant has performed, by means of a holder of a service provision permit and according to the written instructions that he received from the Supervisor, an assessment of the maximum levels of exposure of the public and environment to the anticipated radiation from the radiation source, whenever it shall be operated, including during malfunction (herwith in this law – Assessment of Exposure Levels);
(2) All the required measures have been taken for limiting the exposure levels of humans and environment to the anticipated radiation from the radiation source, whenever it shall be operated, in accordance with the conditions that he determined according to paragraph
10(1), including the use of suitable available technology, as well as cautionary and safety measures that the Minister has determined in
accordance with the provisions in paragraph 25(A)(3).
Conditions for granting 7. (a) The Supervisor shall not grant an operation permit, until it has been
an operation permit proved to his satisfaction that the following conditions are met:
(1) The condition stated in paragraph 6(2);
(2) The permit applicant has performed, by means of a holder of a service provision permit and according to the written instructions that he has received from the Supervisor, measurements of the exposure levels of the public and environment to the radiation produced during the course of operating the radiation source, at different distances from the radiation source, and these levels did not exceed the maximum exposure levels that the Supervisor determined according to paragraph 10(1);
(3) The permit applicant has presented him with a license or an approval for a category of devices according to the Wireless Telegraph Regulation (New Version) – 19721 (hereinafter in this law – the Telegraph Regulation) or according to the Communications Law (BEZEQ and Transmissions) – 19822, concerning a radiation source requiring a license
or a categorical approval as stated;
(b) The provisions in paragraph (A) (4) shall not apply where a building permit is not required provided the conditions in paragraphs (1) and (2) or the conditions in paragraph (3) are met,
(1) The permit applicant has presented to the Local Committee or to the District Committee in whose jurisdiction the radiation source is found (in this paragraph – the Committee) an affidavit detailing the reasons a building permit for the radiation source was not required;
(2) The Local Committee Engineer or the District Planner, accordingly, has not expressed an objection to granting the operation permit within 21 days of the date of submission of the declaration to the Committee, and the permit applicant has attached to the aforesaid affidavit an additional affidavit according to which the stated term is over and no objection was received from the Local Committee Engineer or the District Planner; the objection of the Local Committee Engineer or the District Planner to granting an operation permit may be based on the reason that the radiation source requires a building permit, and he shall inform the permit applicant of the reasons for his objection;
(3) The license holder as defined in the Electricity Sector Law – 1996, has presented the Supervisor with an affidavit stating that, according to the best of his knowledge, the radiation source has been legally installed prior to the publication day of this law.
(c) The Supervisor may also make the granting of an operation permit contingent on the performance of an assessment of exposure values.
Conditions for granting a 8. The Supervisor shall not grant a service provision permit, until it has
service provision permit been proved to his satisfaction that the following conditions are met:
(1) The permit applicant has the professional training as determined by the Minister, and the Minister may determine in this regard an obligation to comply with professional examinations on subjects and according to procedures that he shall determine.
(2) The permit applicant has in his possession the appropriate equipment and means to provide the radiation measurement service, as determined by the Minister;
Stipulating licenses 9. (a) A building permit shall not be granted for a radiation source
or permits subject to requiring an installation permit, according to this law, until an
other legislation installation permit has been obtained.
(b) A license or a temporary permit shall not be granted to a business requiring licensing according to the Businesses Licensing Law – 19685, which requires a permit according to this law, until the permit has been obtained according to this law.
Permit 10. The Supervisor may stipulate conditions for granting a permit
conditions that must be met prior to the permit being granted, and he may determine
in the permit and add to or subtract from them at any time, in order to ensure the fulfillment of the aims of this law, including conditions concerning –
(1) The maximum permissible exposure levels of the public to radiation from a radiation source, and the required means for limiting the exposure levels;
(2) Limiting access to the radiation source;
(3) Installing warning signs in the proximity of the radiation source or upon it;
(4) Performing measurements of the radiation created during the operation of the radiation source;
(5) Removal of a radiation source that is not in use;
(6) Forwarding information to the party requesting the radiation measurement;
(7) Employment of professional and skilled employees;
(8) The equipment and means required to provide the radiation measurement service;
(9) Proper maintenance of the radiation source or the equipment and means designated for the radiation measurement service, accordingly, and performance of tests to ensure their normal working condition;
(10) Recording and reporting obligations, including –
(a) Technical specifications and a description of the radiation source that is the subject of the permit;
(b) Information regarding radiation measurements and their results;
(c) Specification of measurements that have been performed to ensure the proper conditions of the radiation source or the equipment and means designated for the radiation measurement service, accordingly, and the means that have been taken to ensure their proper maintenance.
Validity of Permits
Conditions for granting an installation permit
- (a) The validity of the operation permit and the service provision permit shall be for a period of five years; however the Minister is entitled to determine a different validity period in cases and circumstances that he determines, taking into account, inter alia, the type of radiation source, its location or the type of radiation measurement service, accordingly.
(b) The validity of the installation permit shall be for a period not exceeding three months, and the Supervisor may extend its validity for additional periods, provided that the total of all periods shall not exceed nine months; however the Minister is entitled to determine a longer validity period for certain types of radiation sources.
- The Supervisor shall not grant an installation permit, unless it has been proved to his satisfaction that the following conditions are met:
The permit applicant has performed, by means of a holder of a service provision permit and according to the written instructions that he received from the Supervisor, an assessment of the maximum levels of exposure of the public and environment to the anticipated radiation from the radiation source, whenever it shall be operated, including during malfunction (herwith in this law – Assessment of Exposure Levels);
All the required measures have been taken for limiting the exposure levels of humans and environment to the anticipated radiation from the radiation source, whenever it shall be operated, in accordance with the conditions that he determined according to paragraph
10(1), including the use of suitable available technology, as well as cautionary and safety measures that the Minister has determined in
accordance with the provisions in paragraph 25(A)(3).
Conditions for granting an operation permit
- (a) The Supervisor shall not grant an operation permit, until it has been proved to his satisfaction that the following conditions are met:
(1) The condition stated in paragraph 6(2);
(2) The permit applicant has performed, by means of a holder of a service provision permit and according to the written instructions that he has received from the Supervisor, measurements of the exposure levels of the public and environment to the radiation produced during the course of operating the radiation source, at different distances from the radiation source, and these levels did not exceed the maximum exposure levels that the Supervisor determined according to paragraph 10(1);
(3) The permit applicant has presented him with a license or an approval for a category of devices according to the Wireless Telegraph Regulation (New Version) – 19721 (hereinafter in this law – the Telegraph Regulation) or according to the Communications Law (BEZEQ and Transmissions) – 19822, concerning a radiation source requiring a license
or a categorical approval as stated;
(4) The permit applicant has presented him with a permit according to the Planning and Building Law, 19653, and if the permit applicant was a license holder as defined in the Electricity Sector Law – 19964 – including the authorization according to paragraph 145(f)(1) of the aforesaid
law (hereinafter in this law – Building Permit).
(b) The provisions in paragraph (A) (4) shall not apply where a building permit is not required provided the conditions in paragraphs (1) and (2) or the conditions in paragraph (3) are met,
1 The Laws of the State of Israel, New Version 25, page 506
2 Book of Laws (5732) 1972, page 218
3 Book of Laws (5725) 1965, page 307
4 Book of Laws (5756) 1996, page 208.
The permit applicant has presented to the Local Committee or to the District Committee in whose jurisdiction the radiation source is found (in this paragraph – the Committee) an affidavit detailing the reasons a building permit for the radiation source was not required;
The Local Committee Engineer or the District Planner, accordingly, has not expressed an objection to granting the operation permit within 21 days of the date of submission of the declaration to the Committee, and the permit applicant has attached to the aforesaid affidavit an additional affidavit according to which the stated term is over and no objection was received from the Local Committee Engineer or the District Planner; the objection of the Local Committee Engineer or the District Planner to granting an operation permit may be based on the reason that the radiation source requires a building permit, and he shall inform the permit applicant of the reasons for his objection;
The license holder as defined in the Electricity Sector Law – 1996, has presented the Supervisor with an affidavit stating that, according to the best of his knowledge, the radiation source has been legally installed prior to the
publication day of this law.
Conditions for granting a service provision permit
(c) The Supervisor may also make the granting of an operation permit contingent on the performance of an assessment of exposure values.
- The Supervisor shall not grant a service provision permit, until it has
been proved to his satisfaction that the following conditions are met:
The permit applicant has the professional training as determined by the Minister, and the Minister may determine in this regard an obligation to comply with professional examinations on subjects and according to procedures that he shall determine.
The permit applicant has in his possession the appropriate equipment and means to provide the radiation measurement service, as determined by the Minister;
Stipulating licenses or permits subject to other legislation
Permit conditions
- (a) A building permit shall not be granted for a radiation source requiring an installation permit, according to this law, until an installation permit has been obtained.
(b) A license or a temporary permit shall not be granted to a business requiring licensing according to the Businesses Licensing Law – 19685, which requires a permit according to this law, until the permit has been obtained according to this law.
- The Supervisor may stipulate conditions for granting a permit that must be met prior to the permit being granted, and he may determine conditions in the permit and add to or subtract from them at any time, in order to ensure the fulfillment of the aims of this law, including conditions concerning –
(1) The maximum permissible exposure levels of the public to radiation from a radiation source, and the required means for limiting the exposure levels;
(2) Limiting access to the radiation source;
(3) Installing warning signs in the proximity of the radiation source or upon it;
(4) Performing measurements of the radiation created during the operation of the radiation source;
(5) Removal of a radiation source that is not in use;
(6) Forwarding information to the party requesting the radiation measurement;
(7) Employment of professional and skilled employees;
(8) The equipment and means required to provide the radiation measurement service;
(9) Proper maintenance of the radiation source or the equipment and means designated for the radiation measurement service, accordingly, and performance of tests to ensure their normal working condition;
(10) Recording and reporting obligations, including –
5 Book of Laws 1968, page 204.
Revocation or suspension of a permit
(a) Technical specifications and a description of the radiation source that is the subject of the permit;
(b) Information regarding radiation measurements and their results;
(c) Specification of measurements that have been performed to ensure the proper conditions of the radiation source or the equipment and means designated for the radiation measurement service, accordingly, and the means that have been taken to ensure their proper maintenance.
11 (a) The Supervisor may, at any time, revoke or suspend a permit, after the permit holder has been given an opportunity to present his claims, if he considers that one of the following has occurred:
(1) The permit was granted on the basis of false or misleading information;
(2) The permit holder violated a provision of this law, or a condition in the permit;
(3) The operation of the radiation source is endangering or might endanger the public or might cause serious damage to the environment.
(b) If the fault which required the revocation or the suspension of the permit according to paragraph (a), can be corrected, the Supervisor shall not revoke the permit or suspend it, unless, after sending the permit holder a notification about the necessary repair, the permit holder did not correct the fault in the manner and time period specified in the notice.
(c) If the permit was revoked due to one of the conditions stated in paragraph (a)(1) or (2), the Minister may, after the permit holder has been given an opportunity to present his claims, prohibit the granting of any additional permits to the same permit holder, for a determined time period.
Recording and reporting
12 (a) The permit holder shall maintain complete and detailed records concerning the radiation source or the radiation measurement service for which the permit has been granted, in accordance with the conditions determined by the Supervisor in the permit according to paragraph 10(10), and he shall report them to the
Supervisor once a year, not later than on December 31st, or at another time as instructed by the Supervisor.
(b) The permit holder shall allow the Supervisor and the Inspector to inspect the records managed by him as stated in paragraph (a), during normal working hours, and he shall forward to them, according to their requirements, a copy of the records as stated.
Chapter D: Inspection
Authorization of inspectors
Supervisor’s and
Inspector’s Powers
13 (canceled)
14 (a) For the purpose of supervising the implementation of the provisions of this law, the Supervisor is permitted, at any reasonable time, to enter a site where there is reasonable ground to assume that a radiation source is located whose installation or operation require a permit according to this law or a radiation source for which an instruction was given according to paragraph (c), or a radiation measurement service business operates, provided he does not enter –
(1) A location serving as a residence, unless by means of a courtorder;
6 Book of Laws 1959, page 86.
(2) A location held by the defense bodies, unless he holds an entrance permit to this location provided by the Minister in charge or a person authorized by him for this matter, provided no operational activity or hostile activity is taking place at this location during the time of the Supervisor’s or Inspector’s entry; in this paragraph – “defense bodies” means any of the following:
(a) The Ministry of Defense and auxiliary units of the Ministry of Defense;
(b) Israel Defense Forces (IDF);
(c) General Security Agency and the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations;
(d) The Nuclear Research Centers under the responsibility of the Nuclear Energy Commission and the Biological Institute;
(e) Suppliers and enterprises developing or manufacturing products on behalf of any of the bodies listed in sub- paragraphs (a) to (d), about which the Ministry of Defense has notified the Supervisor;
(f) Israel Police and Israel Prison Service;
“The Minister in charge”, for the purpose of the bodies listed in the definition of “defense bodies” – for sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (e) means the Minister of Defense, for sub-paragraphs (c), and (d) – the Prime Minister and for sub-paragraphs (f) – the Minister of Internal Security.
(b) Without detracting from the provisions of paragraph (a), if the Supervisor or the Inspector have reasonable ground to assume that the operation of the radiation source is done in a way that might endanger the public or cause damage to the environment, he is entitled, at any reasonable time, to enter the place in which the radiation source is located and check it, or to perform measurements of the radiation created during its operation, provided he does not enter a location stated in paragraph (a), unless this is done according to the provisions of that same paragraph.
(c) Should the Supervisor find that the radiation source is operated in a way that might endanger the public or cause damage to the environment, he may order, in writing, the owner of the radiation source or the operator of the radiation source to take measures, within the period of time instructed, to ensure the safe operation of the radiation source.
(d) In order to uncover a contravention of this law, the Supervisor shall be empowered with the investigative authorities of a police officer according to paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Criminal Procedure (Evidence) Ordinance7, as well the authority of a policeman to request a search warrant from a court and to execute it according to paragraphs 23 and 24 (a)(1) of the Criminal Procedure (Arrest and Searches) Ordinance {New Version} – 19698; the said legislative previsions shall apply to the investigation, the search and the seizure of objects, that are done by an Inspector, as if they were done by a police officer or a policeman, accordingly, with the necessary changes.
7 Eretz Israel Laws, Volume A, page 439 (par P), 467 (par 1).
8 Laws of the State of Israel , New Version 12, page 284.
Chapter E: Removal Order
Order for removal of a radiation source
(1) To stop the installation or the operation, accordingly, or to remove the radiation source to a place, in a way and in a period of time commencing on the day of delivery of the order, all as specified in the order; in this paragraph, “removal” includes neutralization or dismantling.
(2) To restore, to the extent possible and according to the circumstances, the situation to its previous condition.
(b) Should a person not fulfill the provisions of the order submitted according to paragraph (a), the Supervisor, or a public servant that he has empowered for this purpose, may carry out whatever is required according to the order; once done, the person who was ordered to fulfill the provisions of the order but did not do so will be liable to pay a sum double the incurred expenses, to the Maintenance of Cleanliness Fund, established according to paragraph 10 of the Maintenance of Cleanliness Law, –
19849 (hereinafter – the Maintenance of Cleanliness Fund); the
Taxes Ordinance (Tax Collection)10 will apply to the collection of the said expenses.
(c) The Supervisor, or the person he has empowered to execute the order stated in paragraph (b), may enter any location for the
purpose of executing the order, provided he does not enter a
9 Book of Laws 1984, page 142.
10 Laws of Eretz Israel, Volume B, page 1374 (par P), 1399 (par 1).
location stated in paragraph 14(a), unless he does so according to the provisions of that same paragraph.
Chapter F: Penalties
16 (a) A person who commits one of the following, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of six months or a fine as specified in paragraph 61(a)(4) of the Penal Law, – 197711 (in this law – Penal Law), and if the offense was committed by a corporation, it shall be liable to twice the stated fine:
(1) Installs or operates a radiation source without a permit, in contradiction to the provisions of paragraph 3, after receiving a written warning from the Supervisor;
(2) Provides a radiation measurement service without a permit, in contradiction to the provisions of paragraph 3;
(3) Installs or operates a radiation source or provides a radiation measurement service, in contradiction to one of the conditions of the permit granted to him according to paragraph 3;
(4) Performs measurements as stated in paragraph 7(a)(2) not by means of a holder of a service provision permit or in contradiction to the written instructions received from the Supervisor according to the said paragraph;
(5) Violates a provision imposed by the Supervisor according to the provisions of paragraph 14(c) or an order issued by the Supervisor according to the provisions of paragraph 15(a).
(b) A permit holder that does not conduct records or does not report to the Supervisor according to the provisions of paragraph 12(a), is liable to a fine as specified in paragraph 61(a)(4) of the Penal Law, and if the offense was committed by a corporation, it shall be liable to twice the stated fine.
(b) (1) if a person has committed an offense under subsection (a)(1) or (5) and as a result of the offense received benefits or profit for himself or for someone else, the court is entitled to impose a fine on him in the amount of the benefit, or the profit he made for himself as stated, in addition to any other penalty.
(2) For the propuse of this subsection, “benefit”- including savings in expenses.
(3) The provisions of this subsection shall not derogate from the provisions in section 63 of the Penal Code.
Responsibility of a corporate office holder
(c) Should the offense be a continuous offense, the court shall impose an additional fine at a rate of five percent of the sum of the fine determined for this offense, for each day that the offense continues beyond the period of time specified in the written warning issued by the Supervisor, commencing upon its delivery.
(d) The offense in this clause is a strict liability offense.
(e) A fine imposed for an offense according to this law shall be paid to the Maintenance of Cleanliness Fund; however, if the fine was imposed according to the powers vested in an employee of a local authority, the fine shall be paid to the treasury of the local authority that has wielded the authority, except for a fine imposed on a local authority.
17 (a) A corporate office holder within a corporation is required to supervise and to do all that is possible to prevent offenses according to paragraph 16 by the corporation or by one of its employees; a person who contravenes this obligation is liable to a fine as specified in paragraph 61(a)(4) of the Penal Law; for the purpose of this paragraph, “a corporate office holder” means an active manager in the corporation, a partner, except for a limited partner, or another position holder in the corporation who is responsible on behalf of the corporation for the domain in which the offense was committed, and for the purpose of paragraph 16(a)(1) or (2) – also a director.
(b) Should the offense be committed according to paragraph 16 by a corporation or by one of its employees, it is presumed that the corporate office holder in the corporation has breached his duty according to paragraph (a), unless he proves that he did all that is possible in order to fulfill his duty.
17A (a) An indictment was submitted for an offense under this law, the court may issue an order to make, an order not to make, an order to undo damage and return to its previous condition or any other relief, as may be considered correct in the circumstances, all in order to avoid, stop or reduce radiation.
(b) Sections 20(b) – (h) of the Water Law, 1959 will apply to orders issued by court under subsection (a) .
(c) The Court convicted a person with an offense according to this law is entitled, in the verdict, in addition to any punishment which is imposed to order the payment of expenses were incurred to remove the source of radiation, if he is presented with a request from the person who bore them..
(d) In the matter of the collection of the amountawarded, a decision according to this clause is similar to the judgement awarded by same Court in a civil claim.
(e) If more than one person is convicted, in its decision the court may impose according to the this clause the payment of expenses on all or some, jointly and severally,or divide this amount between them, all in accordance with the court’s considerations in the circumstances of the matter.
(f) if the court has not determined under this section, should the court not award in this case according to the merit of this clause, this will not derogate from the rights of the party which incurred the expenses to sue for them in a regular claim.
Chapter G: Miscellaneous Provisions
Non – dependence and prevention of conflicts of interests
18 (a) The assessment or the measurement of radiation exposure values for the purpose of obtaining a permit, according to paragraphs 6(1) or 7(a)(2), accordingly, or for the purpose of performing the 19 Subsidiary Legislation (Kovets Hatakanot) (5740) 1980, page 992.
(Paragraph 4)
Radiation sources not requiring a permit for installation and operation
- A radiation source whose operation creates or is liable to create Ultraviolet Radiation in the range of wavelengths shorter than 400 nanometers, provided that the radiation source has a weighted power density of 3 x 10-8 W/cm2, when measured at a distance of 5 centimeters at all access points on the body of the radiation source, including: halogen lamps and tanning lamps; in this regard, the weighting of the power density should be done according to the Supervisor’s instructions.
- A device emitting light in the visible range, in the range of wavelengths between 400 nanometers and 780 nanometers, provided it is not a device or facility whose operation creates or may create laser radiation, including: all types of lighting devices.
- A device or facility whose operation creates or may create laser radiation, provided that the laser device or facility, is classified in the last edition of the EC-60825-1, ed. 1.2 International Technical Standard or in the Israeli Standard I.S. 1249, as pertaining to the laser hazard level Class 1, Class 1M, Class 2, Class 2M, Class 3a, including: barcode testing instrument, pointer, laser range meter or CD player.
- A radiation source whose operation creates or may create Infrared Radiation in the range of wavelengths between 780 nanometers and 1 millimeter, provided that the radiation source has a weighted power density not exceeding 10mW/cm2 in a measurement at a distance of 5 centimeters from the output of the radiation source, including: remote control device.
- A radiation source whose operation creates or may create electromagnetic radiation, in the Radio Frequencies range between 100 Kilohertz and 300
Gigahertz, provided that the radiation source has a power that does not exceed 0.1 Watt, including: remote control device for operating a car alarm; in this regard – “power” means the Root Mean Square (RMS) value of the transmitted power as measured in the highest power configuration at the output of the radio frequencies transmitter, and if there is no matched electrical access at the transmitter output, the Effective Radiated Power (ERP) should be measured.
- household microwave oven complying with Israeli Standard I.S. 961 requirements, a flying-model remote control device with power that does not exceed 0.5 Watt, a simplex device with power that does not exceed 25 Watt, a wireless communication portable device and all types of mobile telephones, including a wireless telephone, or a telephone with cellular technology whose Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) does not exceed 2W/Kg in average over 10 grams of biological tissue, or 1.6W/Kg in average over 1 gram of biological tissue.
- A radiation source whose operation creates or may create radiation in the frequencies range below 100 Kilohertz, including: household electrical appliances, such as an air conditioner, washing machine, refrigerator, shaver, hair dryer, electric blanket, personal computer or electric lamps, except facilities serving for producing, transmitting, distributing and supplying electric power, including high voltage lines, upper and underground voltage lines, secondary and transformation stations and low voltage lines, up to the phase of home distribution.
August 20, 2016
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